[Note: This communication kind of starts in the middle, but there is some good info anyway] The problem occurs because INSTOVL.EXE uses parts of the OS's file system. As a result, to install drives, it has to mount them. Since we are installing in REAL mode, we have only 640K of RAM to work with. Therefore, we run out of memory when we try to mount large (greater than around 250 MB) or many drives (more than about 6-8 depending on their sizes). INSTOVL.EXE is run from NETGEN.EXE. Therefore, if INSTOVL.EXE is run from command line without NETGEN.EXE, we free up the memory that would have been used by NETGEN.EXE so that the file system can use it. This has worked for all the cases tested in house. It is not guarenteed to work in all cases; I.E. many 300 MB drives. The following applies to SFT v2.1 5.25" floppy installation: 1. Exit NETGEN before you do the NETWORK INSTALLATION step. 2. Insert the NETGEN diskette and enter: INSTOVL 1 SUPPORT 3. Insert the disks prompted for until it returns to the DOS prompt. 4. Insert the NETGEN diskette and enter either of the following for SFT Level II with TTS: NINSTALL -pr -o3 for SFT Level II without TTS: NINSTALL -pr -o2 5. Run through the installation procedure as outlined in the INSTALLATION manual, finishing with Installation Complete. 6. Insert the NETGEN diskette and enter: INSTOVL 2 SUPPORT 7. Insert the disks prompted for until it returns to the DOS prompt. 8. The installation process is complete. For 3.5" diskettes, steps 2 and 6 change to INSTOVL 1 NETGEN and INSTOVL 2 NETGEN respectively.